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Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Resources focusing research on Harriet Tubman


Discussion and Communication Links

African Women And Economic Development Internet Working Group

The purpose of this group is to develop the participation and role of women in African economies and governance.

"Conference Alerts" for Women's Studies

"Conference Alerts" posts academic conferences worldwide. This site features several upcoming women's studies conference.

DiversityWeb - Association of American Colleges & Universities

Discussions on diversity, feminism, multiculturalism, affirmative action, curriculum transformation, institutional vision, leadership, systemic change and more. A workroom in which educators can come together on-line to discuss, share resources and ask questions.

Electronic Forums (Gender Related)

A site which provides a large selection of gender related e-mail lists that are open to the public. lists links for conferences, organizations and a activist calendar for feminists. This is part of The University of Maryland Women's Studies Database under "Computing."

WWWomen Chat Room

An example of a more "popular" site containing various discussion groups relating to women's issues. Includes career and job seeking tips.