Interlibrary Loan(ILL) offers access to resources not owned by the University Libraries. You must sign up for an account on ILLIAD to use this service.
Encyclopedia of Psychology. Raymond J. Corsini, ed. 2nd ed. 4 v. (New York, NY: Wiley, 1994). [OVER (*) BF 31 E52 1994]
Contains 2,000 separate entries, several of which are devoted to biographies. A good source to use to get a basic grasp of psychological concepts, controversial issues, and testing instruments within the field of psychology. Comprehensive bibliography included. See also updated version The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 2000. [REF BF 31 E52 2000] Also available in Dewey.
The New York Times [MIC Per MIC NEWS Unclassified newspaper on microfilm. Sept. 18, 1851-]
The Science Times Section appears in the Tuesday New York Times newspaper. This section reports on current psychological studies. Current print issues are located at the Periodicals Desk on the lower level. Current examples are sometimes placed at the Reference Desk. Older issues (located in the Periodicals Room) are on microfilm. Please ask for assistance on how to locate the issues on microfilm in the Periodicals Room. Try also searching Nexis Uni using the key word "experiment" or "research study."
Find news from U.S. and international newspapers, television and radio broadcasts, newswires, and blogs, as well as business profiles, patents, legal research, biography, medicine, and reference. A Source List is available for viewing.
ERIC [via Ebsco] ERIC via Ebsco offers links to full text articles from more than 380 of the 800+ journals indexed by ERIC. Offers keyword searching at the basic and advanced levels and subject searching using the thesaurus. Click on "Linked Full Text" to retrieve the full article. An electronic index which encompasses two print education indexes. Current Index to Journals in Education and Resources in Education. The combined file indexes over 800+ serials in every area of education. Educational psychology and counseling are well represented in this source. While there is some overlap of coverage between PsycINFO and ERIC,it is useful to search both.
MEDLINE. 1990+.
Electronic database which contains journal citations and abstracts from over 3,000 journals and corresponds to the combined print Index Medicus and Index to International Nursing Index. MEDLINE provides excellent coverage of the literature in the neurosciences, biomedicine, psychopharmacology, psychiatric and physiological intervention, public health care, and social support programs.
A full-text journal collection of academic, research and practice literature in psychology and related disciplines. The full-text of 50+ journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA) are included in PsycARTICLES.
The Libraries recommend that you begin your search in the the PsycINFO database to access the broadest array of literature on a topic. If full-text is available from PsycARTICLES, you will see a PsycArticles@Journals@Ovid link. If you do not see this in the PsycINFO record, Click on the FIND IT link to view your options to access the full-text article path.
If you choose to start directly from the PsycARTICLES@Journals@Ovid database. <> Please keep in mind that there are no descriptor/search terms in PsycARTICLES. The database offers only keyword (throughout the full-text articles), journal title, author, or title searches. PsycINFO offers the broadest coverage of the literature in psychology. In addition, PsycINFODescriptor/Thesaurus terms can be searched as well as keyword searches. Descriptor/Thesaurus terms in conjunction with key word terms give you a more focused and defined search results. The results will also include literature published beyond just APA journals.
PsycINFO. 1887+.
The most comprehensive, extensive, and most current electronic database coverage for all areas of psychology produced by the American Psychological Association. Includes technical report series (NTIS), citations of papers from conferences, and citations and abstracts for selected dissertations in psychology. Covers the international literature in psychology and related behavioral and social sciences including psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, education, pharmacology, and linguistics. PsycINFO includes book and chapter citations published from the 1980's on. The electronic version of the Thesaurus of Psychological Indexing Terms is a useful place to find search terms for research topics. Look for the Thesaurus icon in PsycInfo.
To specify a search for articles within a particular journal, you must add the phrase which includes the field you want to search. The field for journals is "jn". If you are are looking for articles on self-help within the journal titled Behavior Therapy, you can add the phrase "in jn" after the title of the journal (using dashes between words of the title), then add the "and" boolean operator, then your topic.
Example:Behavior-therapy in jn and self-help
After you obtain results, you can set the display to sort and order citations with journals held at the University Libraries(if you have no more than 200 hits). Click on the "change display" option on the opening menu in PsycINFO. Then find the sort feature. Click on sort. Inside the box to the right, locate Library Holdings Message (LHM). Please consult a reference librarian to learn more about limiting your searches.
PsycLIT. CD-ROM subset of PsycINFO. No longer available. Electronic access to Psychological Abstracts, now superceded by PsycINFO database.
Psychological Abstracts. 1927+. Print version now compiled electronically in PsycInfo. (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association). [CCBE REF BF 1 P65] Bound volumes are located in storage in Science Library. Volumes can be requested at the Science Library Circulation desk. v.1+ 1928-2000.
Monthly abstracts provide summaries of the world's scientific literature in psychology and related disciplines dating back to 1927. Material is divided into 17 major categories. Each issue contains author and brief subject indexes which are cumulated twice a year. Cumulative author and subject indexes covering longer periods are listed below. Before the electronic version, the following print sources were used in conjunction with Psychological Abstracts:
Author Index to Psychological Index, 1894-1935 and Psychological Abstracts, 1927-1958
[REF BF 31.5 C6]
Cumulative Subject Index to Psychological Abstracts. (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association). Print source. [REF BF 1 P652]
Basic index from 1927 to 1960; 7 supplements bring it up to 1983.
Psychological Documents (formerly Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology). v.1-15. (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association). Print source.[REF BF 1 C33]
Contains abstracts of documents not available in existing journals. Copies of the manuscripts may be ordered in paper or microfiche format. Service of the American Psychological Association.
Psychological Index. 1894-1935. (Princeton, NJ: Psychological Review Company). Print source. [REF BF 1 Z999 P75]
Provides extensive coverage of all the literature of psychology and cognate subjects. Lists books, articles, and translations in a classified arrangement with an author index at end of each volume. Succeeded by Psychological Abstracts.