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Nanoscale Science & Engineering: A Guide to Non-Library Web Resources

Social Networks


Developed by the American Institute of Physics, UniPHY is a social network for physical scientists.  Its purpose is to link physical scientists so they can share global connections.  Membership is free, but registration is required.  Members can form collaborative environments centered on any number of common interests, including journals, disciplines, institutions, organizations, or upcoming events. It gives researchers the ability to create public groups, which any UniPHY member can join; create private groups and invite selected members to join; create or comment on threaded discussions within group pages; and search for groups created by other members

ResearchGATE Scientific Network

ResearchGATE is social networking platform for scientists and researchers. It is Facebook for scientists. Although it focuses on science, it is open to many other disciplines. ResearchGATE is a repository and discovery tool containing thousands of articles and millions of abstracts. Scientists can create profiles, discover collaborators, upload articles, discover articles, find jobs, and discuss their work. ReseardhGate is free of charge