This site contains crystallographic programs and databases that use data from the International Tables for Crystallography. Arranged in 6 sections, users can select specific criteria and view data.
A table of internationally agreed upon values for the thermodynamic properties of key chemical substances.
This Web site lists over 600 scientific constants and 425 equations. Also included are conversion factors, SI units, symbols, and a Java program that names compounds from structures that are drawn.
From NIST, the Elemental Data Index provide data and information about each element including atomic weight, ground state configuration, atomic spectra, ionization energy, X-ray and gamma-ray data, radiation dosimetry data, nuclear physics data, and condensed matter physics data.
Fundamental Physical Constants provides the values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry.
This site is an index to resources that contain chemical, physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, toxicological, and safety data. Its heart is an alphabetical listing of properties linked to resources that contain data on that property. Although this site is based on resources in the Arizona State University Libraries, many of the same resources are available to UAlbany users.
ICT contains the best (critical) data derived from the literature up to 1924. It includes data on physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, and other important properties for chemistry, physics, and engineering. The data is presented as text, equations, tables, graphs, and charts. ICT is fully searchable and the index is hyperlinked to the data.
Search for data and properties in the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data.
Knovel Critical Tables (kCT) are based on the International Critical Tables of Numeric Data, Physics, Chemistry, and Technology, and include up-to-date, evaluated data on over 13,000 compounds. The tables contain data on organic and inorganic compounds, and pure substances. New tables will be added to kCT on a regular basis. kCT is fully searchable.
Access calculators from the basic to the complex for chemistry, engineering, and physics.
MatWeb provides access to a database of over 88,000 materials. Up to 75 properties are available for each material. Registration is required to access premium features.
This Website from the University of Illinois (Chicago) provides links to sites that contain data and property calculators for nanoscience and quantum & statistical mechanics & thermodynamics. Information is listed by data sites, calculation/program download sites, and organizations involved with data and property calculation
The NIST Chemistry WebBook contains: thermochemical properties for over 7,000 organic and small inorganic compounds; reaction thermoochemistry data for over 8,000 reactions; ion energetics data for over 16,000 compounds; IR spectra for over 8,000 compounds, mass spectra for over 33,000 compounds; UV/Vis spectra for over 1,600 compounds; gas chromatography data for over 27,000 compounds; electronic and vibrational spectra for over 5,000 compounds; constants of diatomic molecules for over 600 compounds; and thermophysical property data for 74 fluids. Compounds can be searched by name, chemical formula, CAS registry number, molecular weight, and chemical structure.
NIST Physical Reference Data provides access to critically evaluated physical constants, atomic spectroscopic data, molecular spectroscopic data, ionization data, X-ray and gamma-ray data, radiation dosimetry data, nuclear physics data, condensed matter physics data, and other NIST data.
Originally designed for professionals in the semiconductor industry, this handbook is a massive resource for applied statistics methods and probability.
The PGM Database (Platinum Group Metals) contains published data on the physical properties and characteristics of platinum group metals and their alloys. There is information on over 400 alloys. It is fully searchable and browsable.
This Web site, developed at the University of Wisconsin Chemistry Library, is a subject index to numerous physical and chemical property resources, both in print and online. Although it is an index to resources at the University of Wisconsin, the University at Albany has many of the books and online resources that are cited. You will need to check the UAlbany's catalog to see if is available.
This page contains a set of links to collections of physical and chemical properties data.
This is a collection of currently accepty physical properties of carbon nanotubes including equilibrium structure, optical properties, electrical transport, thermal transport, and elastic behavior. There is also a quick facts section and a glossary of abbreviations.
This is an index to selected print and Internet resources that contain chemical, physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, toxicological, and safety data.
The Smithsonian Physical Tables cover a wide range of common physical and chemical data. It includes general physical constants and units of measurement as well as tables on photometry, mechanical properties, building materials, density, acoustics, diffusion, geomagnetism, radiation, abundance of substances, colloids, electron emission, fission, and gravitation. The 901 tables are fully searchable and the index is hyperlinked to the data.
Tables that appeared in the 71st-79th editions of the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics but have been removed, retitled, or rearranged in the 83rd Edition (2002-2003) are listed on the page.
In the Materials Database, Thermal Resources contains properties like thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity, thermal effusivity, and density. The website also includes a database of articles, a thermal property calculator, and other resources.
After the structure is entered, this program will estimate the property. The following properties are covered: vapor pressure, critical temperature, critical pressure, critical volume, boiling point, density, heat of formation, Gibbs energy of formation, and entropy of formation, heat capacity, solubility parameter, octanol-water partition coefficient, heat of vaporization, viscosity, thermal conductivity, hydrogen bonding energy, refractive index, and surface tension.
The data in this resource is a revision of the tables in the thermochemistry section of the International Critical Tables of Numeric Data, Physics, Chemistry, and Technology. It contains heats of formation, transition, fusion, vaporization, and reaction. It is fully searchable and the index is hyperlinked to the data.
ThermoDex is a searchable database containing records for over 90 printed handbooks and Web-based compilations of thermodynamic and thermophysical data for chemical compounds.