ICT contains the best (critical) data derived from the literature up to 1924. It includes data on physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, and other important properties for chemistry, physics, and engineering. The data is presented as text, equations, tables, graphs, and charts. ICT is fully searchable and the index is hyperlinked to the data. A print copy is available at the Science Library.
The classic ready-reference book of physical and chemical data. It is issued annually with revised information and new material. Previous editions are available in the Science Library circulating collection. [SCIENCE REF QD 65 H3]
Divided into the disciplines of physics, each chapter contains fundamental constants, conversion factors, basic mathematical and physical formulas for that discipline. [SCIENCE REF QC 61 P49 2003]
Contains the entire 16th edition (1995) of Kaye and Laby's Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. It is freely available from the UK's National Physical Laboratory, and includes important physical and chemical property data. Kaye and Laby Online is searchable, or may be browsed. Note: this is an archived version as the site is no longer being updated.
ThermoDex is a searchable database containing records for over 90 printed handbooks and Web-based compilations of thermodynamic and thermophysical data for chemical compounds.
Find substances, reactions, references, and patent information. Note: Restricted to UAlbany students, faculty, and staff. You will need to set up a personal account from an @albany.edu email address. Register Now
Curated by Bio-Rad Laboratories, SpectraBase contains "hundreds of thousands" of free NMR, IR, Raman, UV-Vis, and mass spectra. It can be searched by chemical name, synonym, CAS registry number, or InChiKey.
Sigma-Aldrich provides access to FT-NMR and FT-IR Raman spectra for many of their products. To find the spectra of a compound, do a product search or browse the products catalog. The spectra are available in PDF format.
The ChemExper search engine searches over 9,000,000 chemicals from more than 2,300 suppliers. Search by chemical name, molecular formula, registry number, or substructure, and find synonyms, structures, and basic properties. Links to suppliers will uncover MSDS, spectra, and other properties.
ChemSpider is a chemical structure database. It can be used to search, aggregate, and data mine publicly available chemical information, including data from PubChem. It can be searched by exact structure, substructure, and similarity structure as well as by chemical names and molecular formula, and limited by properties. ChemSpider has been enhanced with calculated properties from ACD Labs. ChemSpider provides access to over 35 million structures along with properties and associated information.
BMRB contains a repository of NMR results from peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids. There is also a collection of computer software applications used for biomolecular NMR.
NMRShiftDB is an open database of chemical structures and their associated nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data. It is a growing database that can be searched by several keys.
From NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory, it contains critically evaluated data and bibliographies on atomic spectra, energy levels, wavelengths, transition probabilities, and line shapes.
Provides access to data for each element in the periodic table; includes atomic spectra data, x-ray and gamma ray data, radiation dosimetry data, nuclear physics data, & condensed matter physics data.
This Brookhaven National Laboratory resource contains databases on nuclear structure, decay, and reactions. The Website also includes nuclear structure, decay, and reaction tools, as well as access to bibliographic databases.
Nicholas Stone of Oxford University has compiled a revised table; Dr. Stone seeks additional items for inclusion and comments on the table. It is available in PDF format.