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Physics: A Brief Guide to Library Resources


Video Lectures

Feynman Lectures

The Feynman Lectures are a series of 7 lectures given by physicist Richard Feynman at Cornell University in 1964. The lectures were part of Cornell's Messenger Lecture Series, and were filmed by the BBC.  For additional information on the Feynman Lectures like stories, exercises & problems, errata, and links to relevant Websites, consult the Feynman Lectures info website. The lectures can be read on CalTech's website.

The Mechanical Universe ... and Beyond

Produced by the California Institute of Technology and Intelecom, and made available by Annenberg Media, The Mechanical Universe ... and Beyond is a collection of 52 half-hour videos covering many important topics in physics. The purpose of the this video series is to help teachers demystify physics using "field trips" and computer graphics to illustrate abstract concepts. Some of the topics covered are falling bodies, vectors, forces, the conservation of energy, resonance, angular momentum, electric circuits, magnetism, Maxwell's equations, optics, Lorentz transformation, entropy, and quantum mechanics.

Minute Physics

Created by Henry Reich (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics), Minute Physics is a YouTube channel.  It contains a growing collection of short videos that explain and distill important concepts in physics.

ScienceCinema uses innovative audio indexing and speech recognition technology to help locate videos produced by the U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories and research facilities, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Users can search for specific words and phrases, and precise video segments where the search term was spoken will appear along with a timeline. Users can select and play the video segments. Currently, there are current over 3,000 speech-indexed videos in the collection.
The goal of SciVee is to advance the dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge by making research more visible.  Researchers can promote their work by uploading video presentations that serve as more approachable guides to their research.  SciVee offers the capability to synchronize video with text-based documents.  This capability can be used to create PubCasts, PosterCasts, PaperCasts, and SlideCasts.  SciVee is searchable and can be browsed by broad subject.  Physics is a repository for free educational lectures in science, technology, business, arts, education, law, and the humanities. Given by renowned scholars, the lectures are derived from conferences, workshops, summer schools, and other promotional events. The site is  searchable.