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Computer Science: A Guide to Non-Library Web Resources


FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory

Developed by the Free Software Foundation and UNESCO, this directory lists free software that runs under free operating systems. Over 4,000 software packages are listed by subject; it is also fully searchable.


GitHub is a service to help software developers.  It uses Git for revision control and source code management.  GitHub offers 2 plans:  a paid plan for private projects and a a free plan for open source projects.  There are also social networking aspects including feeds and following that allows developers to collaborate.

A collection of over 23,000 scripts for ASP, C, C++, CFML, CGI, Flash, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, and XML. It may be searched or browsed, and also includes links to additional resources like articles, tips, and tutorials.


A metasite containing freely available software, conference proceedings, and databases of interest to the numerical and scientific computing communities.

The OpenScience Project: Computer Science

The OpenScience Project contains a directory of open source scientific software. The computer science section lists resources under several categories including: algorithms and computational theory; artificial intelligence; data communication; human-computer interaction; languages; measurement and evaluation; simulation and modeling; software engineering; and symbolic and algebraic manipulation. A search engine is also included.

The Perl Archive

The heart of this site is the Perl Guide, a listing of nearly 4,000 Perl CGI programs. The guide is divided into dozens of categories. Each listing contains the program name, operating system, a description, and cost.