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Social Psychology, Communication, Media Studies Research Guide

Social and Political Communication


AlterNet is an online magazine that has a progressive political focus, "publishing grassroots success stories and inspirational narratives alongside hard-hitting critiques of policies, investigative reports and expert analysis," emphasizing "workable solutions to aggravating problems."
The web page features blogs, discussion arena, and podcasts, audio interviews, as well as video clips. Full-text articles archived starting in 2000. A project of the Independent Media Institute, which is "dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent and alternative journalism."

American Press Institute
Electronic Frontier Foundation
"EFF was created to defend our rights to think, speak, and share our ideas, thoughts, and needs using new technologies, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web. EFF is the first to identify threats to our basic rights online and to advocate on behalf of free expression in the digital age."
Index on Censorship for Free Expression

"Index on Censorship, the bi-monthly magazine for free speech, widens the debates on freedom of expression with some of the world's best writers. Through interviews, reportage, banned literature and polemic, Index shows how free speech affects the political issues of the moment."

Internet Resources in Communication, Journalism, and Mass Media

Extensive lists of professional associations and related listservs. Includes important government and legal websites. Rutgers University website.

Linguistic Resources on the Internet

Includes sites on language rights and policy, semantics, semiotics and pedagogical resources.

Political Communication and Campaign 2004

This excellent site from the University of Iowa includes links to all the official parties, election and public opinion studies, polls, critical thinking on advertisements, voting preparation, debates and more. A definite first stop.

Political Communication Center

"The Center is the repository of the Julian P. Kanter Political Commercial Archive®, the largest and most comprehensive collection of political broadcast advertising in the world. The archive was established in 1985 at the University of Oklahoma." The Archive Catalog includes ballot initiatives, candidate files, debates and conventions. Files must be viewed through the SHOCKWAVE program. The Save America's Treasures section lists websites related to historic preservation.

Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Public law record of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

U.S. Maps & Data

"One-stop access to maps, data and other geospatial services that will simplify the ability of all levels of government and citizens to find geospatial data and learn more about geospatial projects underway."