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Computer Science: A Guide to Non-Library Web Resources

Search Engines


Developed by the NEC Research Institute and currently managed by Pennsylvania State University, CiteSeerx is a digital library and search engine for resources like journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports in computer and information science. In addition to a list of documents, an author or subject search automatically generates the search context and a list of related documents. The autonomous citation indexing feature executes a citation search similar to Science Citation Index or Scopus. Many of the citations are linked to the full text.

LaTeX Search

LaTeX Search is a search engine that searches Springer scientific publications for LaTeX code.  With nearly 6,000,000 code snippets, it provides users with the ability to locate the code for a specific equation.


Odysci is an academic search engine for computer science and related subjects.  Covering major CS publishers like the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society, it searches for journal articles, conference papers, and books.  Search results are relevancy ranked.  The site also features best papers, news, and information about upcoming conferences.