Direct links to electronic material can be placed in your course, or material can be uploaded as a file (e.g., PDF, Word Document).
When uploading files, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Once you have created or obtained the scan, the file can be uploaded to your Brightspace course. For further assistance on uploading content, please contact CATLOE at (518) 442-5521 or
For guidance on obtaining links to articles and ebooks, which you can place in your Brightspace course, please see Stable Links. If we do not have electronic access to the material you would like to assign, it may be possible for it to be scanned or purchased. Please see instructions below.
The library can help you digitize your existing media (DVD, Blu Ray, VHS) or library-owned media into a format that can easily be made available for students in your courses. Please see Media Digitization for more information.