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University at Albany Course Reserves

Accessing Digitized Media

Your account for the Panopto Video service will be auto-created when you provision a course in Brightspace. When your account has been created, you will be able to begin using Panopto in Brightspace courses.

Follow the steps below to add Panopto from within Brightspace and link your media to the course:

Add Panopto to your Brightspace Course

  1. Create a module named Panopto
  2. Hide the module
  3. Add the Panopto Video tool to the hidden module

How to Use Panopto with Brightspace

  1. Create a file in course content and use the text editor to insert the media.
  2. Panopto Videos can be added anywhere you access the text editor (content page, announcement, discussion, assignment, quiz question)

If, after reviewing these resources, you need more assistance, submit a consultation request to CATLOE.