From the Chemistry Library at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, this Website provides examples for citing references in the text and the bibliography of a research paper. It is based on The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information (Science Library / Reference: QD 8.5 A25 2006).
The AIP Style Manual provides guidance and advice for preparing manuscripts for AIP and its member societies' publications. The manual's full text is available from this Web site and in the Science Library's circulating collection (QC 5.45 A45 1990).
Written by a chemistry professor at Deakin University in Australia, The Chemistry Style Manual is a book-length manual covering all aspects of chemistry communications, writing, and research. It may be freely downloaded, or used on the Web.
From the U.K.'s Digital Curation Centre (DDC), this guide shows how and why to cite data. It's also available in PDF format.
The purpose of this style guide is to clarify editorial styles and standards used in the IEEE Computer Society's publications. It provides a listing of preferred sources for style and usage.
Written by M. R. C. van Donegan and published by Springer, this full length book provides introductory and advanced topics on using LaTeX to write articles, books, reports, or theses.
LaTeX Search is a search engine that searches Springer scientific publications for LaTeX code. With nearly 6,000,000 code snippets, it provides users with the ability to locate the code for a specific equation.
Developed by Manuel de la Cruz Gutierrez at the University of Houston Libraries, this resource is a primer for LaTeX, a document preparation system for scientific and mathematical articles.
Based on The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information (Science Library / Reference: QD 8.5 A25 2006), this guide summarizes the most commonly used formats.
This guide contains instructions for submitting articles to ACM journals in the preferred format of LaTeX and in MS Word format. It includes all of the necessary elements for a typical article along with templates to assist the author. The assignment of indexing terms from the ACM Classification System is also addressed.