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Science (multidisciplinary and technology): A Brief Guide to Library Resources


CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. [SCIENCE REF QD 65 H3]
This classic ready reference contains physical, chemical, and mathematical data. It is issued annually with revised information and new material. Previous editions are in the Science Library circulating collection.

Handbooks and Tables in Science and Technology. [SCIENCE REF Q 199 Z999 H35X 1994]
An index and guide to over 3,600 handbooks and tables in science, technology, and medicine. Designed to help users locate an appropriate handbook.

International Critical Tables of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry and TechnologyAccessible to University at Albany users only

ICT contains the best (critical) data derived from the literature up to 1924. It includes data on physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, and other important properties for chemistry, physics, and engineering. The data is presented as text, equations, tables, graphs, and charts. ICT is fully searchable and the index is hyperlinked to the data.

Kaye and Laby Online

Contains the entire 16th edition (1995) of Kaye and Laby's Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants. It is freely available from the UK's National Physical Laboratory, and includes important physical and chemical property data. Kaye and Laby Online is searchable, or may be browsed.

Knovel Critical TablesAccessible to University at Albany users only

Knovel Critical Tables (kCT) are based on the International Critical Tables of Numeric Data, Physics, Chemistry, and Technology, and include up-to-date, evaluated data on over 13,000 compounds. The tables contain data on organic and inorganic compounds, and pure substances. New tables will be added to kCT on a regular basis. kCT is fully searchable.

Smithsonian Physical TablesAccessible to University at Albany users only

The Smithsonian Physical Tables cover a wide range of common physical and chemical data. It includes general physical constants and units of measurement as well as tables on photometry, mechanical properties, building materials, density, acoustics, diffusion, geomagnetism, radiation, abundance of substances, colloids, electron emission, fission, and gravitation. The 901 tables are fully searchable and the index is hyperlinked to the data.