Links to essential websites pertaining to children's literature and resources for school media specialists.
"..a professional organization for those involved in teaching reading to learners of all ages. " It provides a range of free resources in areas of teaching tools, issues in literacy, and literacy in community"
"Source for research and development on literacy in the U.S. and worldwide."
Internet resources related to books for children and young adults. An attractive, well-organized, and user friendly site for anyone who is interested in children's literature. Search by keyword or browse topics.
the NWP is a network of sites anchored at colleges and universities and serving teachers across disciplines and at all levels, early childhood through university.
Offers descriptions of research projects, provides links to related Web sites, and more.
Links to various resources related to language arts, New York State Certification, and other topics, including lesson plans and teaching ideas for teachers.
Provides information for members and links to related Web sites.
Includes national and international proliteracy programs. It's Verizon Literacy Network (VLN) is a free, online tool that uses computers and other technology to deliver information and resources to anyone who wants to improve their own literacy skills or the reading and writing skills of someone else.
The nation's largest children's literacy organization. Includes online resources for local RIF coordinators, educators, and parents