These are the top resources used by researchers in this discipline:
* These resources are arranged in order of importance.
Find journal articles, books and dissertations published worldwide from the 1920s on literature, language and linguistics.
Find full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines, combined with critical essays, work and topic overviews, book reviews, biographies, and more to provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements.
Digital library of full-text scholarly journals, books, and primary sources. Discover content across a wide range of subjects, including African American studies, anthropology, art, criminal justice, economics, history, literature, political science, psychology, sociology, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies. JSTOR is good for finding and accessing specific articles and books.
JSTOR offers full-text keyword searching across its entire digital library collection, including images and content from articles, books, and pamphlets. Search results default to content licensed or purchased by the UAlbany Libraries, but you can change this setting for your session. JSTOR provides both Basic and some Advanced Search options, to help you find the content they need.
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