The following is a select list of books on more general topics in landscape architecture. To find materials on more specific projects or topics, search the Libraries' online catalog linked in the Quick Links box to the left.
- City Trees: A Historical Geography from the Renaissance Through the Nineteenth Century, by Henry W. Lawrence. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2006. Traces the history of urban tree planting primarily in European and American cities. [SCIENCE/SB 435.6 E85 L39 2006]
- Design and Landscape for People: New Approaches to Renewal, by Clare Cumberlidge and Lucy Musgrave. London: Thames & Hudson, 2007. This heavily illustrated book discusses the planning lessons learned from case studies from around the globe. [ULIB/HT 170 C86 2007]
- Design with Culture: Claiming America’s Landscape Heritage, Charles A. Birnbaum and Mary V. Hughes, eds. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005. This work describes efforts to preserve historic and significant landscapes, and includes information about several important designers and preservationists. [SCIENCE/SB 472.8 D47 2005]
- Ecology, Community and Delight: Sources of Values in Landscape Architecture, by Ian H. Thompson. London: E&FN Spon, 2000. The author explores the role of the aesthetic, the social, and the environmental value systems within landscape architecture. [SCIENCE/SB 472 T48 2000]
- Great City Parks, by Alan Tate. London: Spon Press, 2001. Provides and in-depth look at public parks in several major cities in North America and Europe. [SCIENCE *OVERSIZE/SB 484 E8 T37 2001]
- Trees in the Urban Landscape: Site Assessment, Design, and Installation, by Peter J. Trowbridge and Nina L. Bassuk. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2004. Covers design considerations, planning, botanical selection, planting, and maintenance of trees in difficult urban settings. [SCIENCE/SB 436 T86 2004]
- Urban Open Space: Designing for User Needs, by Mark Francis. This book examines the research that has been conducted to assess user needs and the implications for designing outdoor public space. [SCIENCE/SB 472 F69 2003]