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Computer Science: A Brief Guide to Library Resources

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Computer Desktop Encyclopedia (CDE)

CDE has been around and evolving since 1978.  This online version contains over 25,000 technical terms and phrases, 3,000 images, and 40,000 cross references,  It covers all aspects of computing, from chips to supercomputers and from command examples to mini-tutorials. It's free and there's no advertising.

Computer Sciences

The 286 signed articles in this encyclopedia are organized into four topic areas: foundations (ideas and people), software and hardware, social applications, and the electronic universe. There are also illustrations, sidebars, definitions, cross-references, bibliographies, Internet resources, and timelines.

Concise Encyclopedia of Computer Science. [SCIENCE REF QA 76.15 C654 2004]
This is the shortened version the Encyclopedia of Computer Science (see below). It contains about 60% of the content in the full version.
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology. [SCIENCE REF QA 76.15 H43 2004]
With over 400 entries, this one-volume encyclopedia provides information on current topics in computing, including technology developments & innovations and biographies of computer pioneers. It is written for students and general audiences.
Encyclopedia of Computer Science. [SCIENCE REF QA 76.15 E48 2000]
A one-volume authoritative encyclopedia covering the entire range of computer science. Each article is separately authored and signed. Earlier editions are in the Science Library circulating book collection.
Encyclopedia of Computer Science

From the ACM Digital Library, this is an online version of 4th edition of the Encyclopedia of Computer Science (printed in 2003).  Like the print version, it covers the entire range of computer science. Each article is separately authored and signed. Earlier editions are in the Science Library circulating book collection. Use the alphabetical subject index to access the articles and appendices.

Encyclopedia of Cryptology

This encyclopedia contains over 550 entries on cryptology, including its earliest uses and current applications.

The Facts on File Dictionary of Computer Science. [SCIENCE REF QA 76.15 F345 2006]
This dictionary contains more than 2,400 concise definitions of computer science terms. There are also cross-references, illustrations, and several appendices.
Handbook of Computational Statistics:  Concepts and Methods.
Divided into 4 parts, this resource covers an overview of data science, topics in the supporting field of statistical computing, statistical methodologies, and selected applications in various fields.
Oxford Reference Online: Science and Technology

Oxford Reference Online provides access to 2 online computing dictionaries. They may be searched along with other resources at the link above or separately at the links below:

Springer eReference Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Part of the Springer Computer Science eBook Collection, this collection contains several encyclopedias and dictionaries, including:

     Computational Complexity:  Theory, Techniques, and Applications
     Encyclopedia of Algorithms
     Encyclopedia of Biometrics
     Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (2 editions)
     Encyclopedia of Database Systems
     Encyclopedia of GIS
     Encyclopedia of Machine Learning
     Encyclopedia of Multimedia
     Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing
     Handbook of Natural Computing
     Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies
System and Network Security Acronyms and Abbreviations.

Compiled at the Computer Security Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), it is a listing of information technology acronyms and abbreviations. This glossary is in PDF format, and is also known as NIST Interagency Report 7581.

Webopedia is an online dictionary of computer- and Internet-related terms.