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Public Administration and Policy


American Political Science Association

The Public Administration and Public Policy sections are particularly relevant.

American Society for Public Administration

ASPA is the premiere association in the field of public administration. Their site descibes the association and its activities.

American Society for Public Administration, Empire State Capital Area Chapter

Information on the activities of the local chapter of ASPA. Some historical records of the chapter are available at at the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives.

Council of State Governments

"CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy." The Council of State Governments/Eastern Regional Conference includes our geographic region.

States Perform

This site is also maintained by the Council of State Governments. It provides performance data for all 50 states on fiscal and economic matters, public safety and justice, energy and environment, transportation, health and human services, and education.

National Academy of Public Administration

The Academy is an independent organization chartered by Congress to help to federal, state, and local goverments improve their effectiveness. The site describes their activities and summarizes their publications.

National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration

NASPAA "exists to promote excellence in public service education". The site includes the Standards for professional Masters Degrees Programs in Public Affairs, Policy and Administration and descriptions of programs in the United States.

National Association of State Budget Officers

Excellent source for data on state revenues and expenditures. Many of their reports are available online including the semiannual Fiscal Survey of the States, and Budget processes in the States.

National Conference of State Legislatures

Source for research information on current policy issues and activities of interest to state lawmakers.

National Governors Association --Online

Includes reports, press releases, policy poisitions, summaries of legislative priorities, and background information on major state and federal-state issues.

National League of Cities

Their "Find City Solutions" sections provides quality examples or programs directed at various city issues and research on the same topics.

International City Management Association


U.S. Conference of Mayors

US conference of Mayors is a nonpartisan organization of cities withmore than 30,000 people. Includes reports on issues of significance to cities and a "Best Practices" database.