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Nanoscale Science & Engineering: A Brief Guide to Library Resources

Handbooks & Compendiums

AIP Physics Desk Reference. [SCIENCE REF QC 61 P49 2003]
Divided into the disciplines of physics, each chapter contains fundamental constants, conversion factors, basic mathematical and physical formulas for that discipline.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. [SCIENCE REF QD 65 H3]
The classic ready-reference book of physical and chemical data. It is issued annually with revised information and new material. Previous editions are available in the Science Library circulating collection.
Handbook of Microlithography, Micromachining, and Microfabrication. [SCIENCE TK 7836 H3423 1997]
Volume 1 of this two-volume set covers microlithography, including process development and production. Micromachining and microfabrication are detailed in Volume 2 which covers numerous device applications. The set contains many recipes, tables, and charts.
Handbook of Optical Engineering. [SCIENCE TA 1520 H368 2001]
This concise and practical handbook highlights the principles, processes, methods, and procedures of optical engineering. There are hundreds of tables, flow charts, graphs, schematics, drawings, photographs, and formulas, as well as worked-out examples that demonstrate applications and clarify calculation methods.