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IST 605: STEM Resources for Educators

Search Tips

All academic articles and books provided here were found through the University at Albany's library homepage at using the University Libraries search tool. You can also try searching Google Scholar for similar results. The results for these searches were numerous and only a few are included in this guide. 

Search terms used:

STEM education

STEM instruction

STEAM instruction 

STEM education AND effective strategies

encyclopedia STEM education

Tips: Use filter features to filter by Resource Type (articles or books) and Publication Date (2013-2023). Limit your search results by Availability to peer-reviewed (scholarly) journals or available online for easy access. 

Scholarly Articles

STEAM + RESEARCH = STREAM CENTERS: Integrating Makerspace Resources and Philosophy into School Library Instruction by Laureen Andria

Andria discusses how she combined a STEAM+ model with a centers model in her school library to meet the needs of the students and the AASL and state standards. School librarians and teachers met in grade-level "STREAM dream teams" to plan instructional units and develop the library centers. This collaboration was essential in ensuring that the library instructional centers supported the grade-level curriculum. Andria found that students were immediately motivated and engaged. The STREAM centers allowed students to explore through multiple modalities. Andria states, "As expressed in the new AASL Standards' Domains and Competencies, students will indeed Think, Create, Share, and Grow." This article presents a strong example of collaborative planning and provides a STEAM-based centers instructional model that can be followed by school librarians and classroom teachers. 

Andria, L. (2019). STEAM + RESEARCH = STREAM CENTERS: Integrating makerspace resources and philosophy into school library instruction. Knowledge Quest, 48(2), 54+.


STEM Habits of Mind: Enhancing a PBL Design Challenge- Integrated STEM Instruction Approach by Paul A. Asunda & John Weitlauf

This article addresses the need to teach students the STEM skills required to solve global challenges in order for the United States to remain competitive. It discusses the disciplinary habits of mind that students can be taught to be successful in STEM fields. An interdisciplinary approach is suggested for instruction and it guides teachers to plan problem-based learning (PBL) experiences aligned to the Standards for Technological Literacy (STL), the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as well as Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). In order to deliver this type of instruction teachers will need to collaborate to arrange learning experiences that foster STEM habits of mind through PBL. "It is the intent of this article to contribute to ongoing discussions among educators, employers, parents, and all those concerned, to seek the goal of interdisciplinary STEM instruction." This article is useful to middle and high school teachers who are looking to plan PBL learning experiences. It makes you really think about the STEM habits of mind and how you can begin to include them in your instruction.

Asunda, P. A., & Weitlauf, J. (2018). STEM habits of mind: enhancing a PBL design challenge--integrated STEM instruction approach. Technology & Engineering Teacher78(3), 34–38.,sso&db=eue&AN=132480455&site=ehost-live


Speedometry: A Vehicle for Promoting Interest and Engagement Through Integrated STEM Instruction by Gale M. Sinatra, Ananya Mukhopadhyay, Taylor N. Allbright, Julie A. Marsh, & Morgan S. Polikoff

The objective of this study was to develop, implement, and evaluate the impact of an integrated STEM curriculum on students’ knowledge, interest, and engagement. The Hot Wheels Speedometry curriculum was written to be aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. The study was conducted in a community which is under-represented in the STEM fields. While the results of the study were positive showing that students developed an interest and were engaged in the curriculum, it did not reveal how teachers and students felt about the curriculum. The Hot Wheels Speedometry curriculum was implemented by fourth-grade teachers and students. Elementary educators can be inspired to create a similar integrated STEM experience in their own classrooms. 

Sinatra, G. M., Mukhopadhyay, A., Allbright, T. N., Marsh, J. A., & Polikoff, M. S. (2017). Speedometry: A vehicle for promoting interest and engagement through integrated STEM instruction. Journal of Educational Research110(3), 308–316.


Academic Books & Encyclopedias

   20 Strategies for STEM Instruction by William Bender 

Bender states, "this book is intended for educators seeking practical instructional strategies that help foster
STEM instruction in the classroom, and I intend to present the latest STEM instructional trends and specific teaching techniques." Bender does that and more in this book as he presents the research behind STEM instruction, provides examples from schools incorporating specific techniques, and gives clear guidelines on how to implement instructional strategies. This book is divided into four sections which focus on project-based learning, technology, collaborative and cooperative learning, and differentiated instruction. This is one of the most informative and useful resources that I have come across for implementing STEM instruction in K-12 education. I highly recommend checking this book out!

Bender, W. N. (2017). 20 Strategies for STEM Instruction. Learning Sciences International.,sso&db=e000xna&AN=1495865&site=ehost-live


   The Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Edited by James M. Mattingly 

This resource examines the theory in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It contains numerous signed articles written by experts in the field. At the end of each article Further Readings and Cross References are provided to guide you in further research on a specific topic. The encyclopedia provides a Reader's Guide which organizes the articles into broad themes making it easy to search. You can also search Entries A-Z or browse the Subject Index. This encyclopedia contains a wealth of information that would be useful to anyone interested in the area STEM and searching for information on a specific topic. It is well organized and easy to use. 

Mattingly, J. M. (Ed.) (2023). The SAGE encyclopedia of theory in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. (Vols. 1-2). SAGE Publications, Inc..


    From STEM to STEAM: Brain-Compatible Strategies and Lessons That Integrate the Arts by David A. Sousa & Tom Pilecki

This book discusses the integration of music, visual arts, and drama into daily STEM instruction which is proven to enhance student achievement and is the A in STEAM. The arts encourage students to think creatively which is a skill that is needed for the real-world problem solving involved in STEM careers. Sousa and Pilecki provide research studies to support their work, along with classroom-tested strategies and techniques for integrating the arts into STEM instruction and sample lessons plans for grades K-12. There are tools for creating a professional development program which encourages arts and STEM teachers to collaborate to plan instruction. This book is a resource that can be used by K-12 educators to begin integrating the arts into their STEM instruction. There is a chapter dedicated to the primary, intermediate, and high school levels. A valuable resource list is provided as well. This book will give you a good start to your planning your STEAM instruction. 

Sousa, D. A., & Pilecki, T. (2018). From STEM to STEAM : Brain-compatible strategies and lessons that integrate the arts (2nd ed.). Corwin.,sso&db=e000xna&AN=1945907&site=ehost-live