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Political Science

This guide provides information about online sources for political science research.


African Union

The African Union is a successor to the Organization of African Unity. It promotes integration of social and economic programs in the continent.


Canadian Politics on the Web

Information on Canadian government and politics.

Political Databases of the Americas

Site maintained by Center for Latin America Studies at Georgetown University, "...offers centralized and systematized information about institutions and political processes, national constitutions, branches of government, elections, political constitutional studies and other subjects related to the strengthening of democracy in the region."

Organization of American States

The OAS is a regional organization promoting democracy, human rights, security and development.



This site of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations provides links to the official sites of each member country as well as information about the association and its activities.

Indian Parliament

Includes links to other parts of the Indian government and the India Code.

Center for the Advanced Study of India

Located at the Univ. of Pennsylvania, CASI produces many reports on contemporary Indian issues.

Government of Pakistan

Official web gateway to the government of Pakistan.


Council of Europe

News, activities and documents of the Council of Europe.

Erik Herron's Guide to Politics in East Central Europe and Eurasia

Maintained by Professor Herron at the University of Kansas. Provides a list of links to each country in the region

The Internet portal for news, LinksDossiers, Forums on European Union policies (includes Country Dossiers for all EU Member States and candidate countries from eastern Europe).

Eurasia Research Center homepage

News and other information about the region.

EuroInternet: the world wide web site virtual library for European integration

Provides collection of Internet resources concerning all aspects of European Integration. Indexes by type of document, country, subject, and even by "Eurosceptics".

European Election Database

Site maintained by the Norwegian Social Sciences Data Services, provides election data for 35 European countries and the European Union.

European Policy Institutes Network

Working papers and other research available on European issues.

European Union

Official homepage of the European Union.

The European Union in the US

Site developed by the European Union specifically for US audience. Includes information on member states, news, EU legislation and policies information.

EUROPARL: the European parliament on-line

Provides information on members, parties, functions, and ongoing activities.


Constitution Finder

Maintained at the University of Richmond School of Law, this site provides links to national constitutions and in some cases sub-national constitutions.

Elections and Electoral Systems

Includes a list of sites arranged alphabetically by country.

Election Guide

Maintained by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), this site provides election information on national elections and some subnational elections.

International Constitutional Law

"Provides English translations of and other textual material related to constitutional documents. It cross-references those documents for quick comparison of constitutional provisions."

Inter-Parliamentary Union

The IPU is the world organization of parliaments of sovereign states. It provides links to Web Sites of National Parliaments as well as access to its publications and information about its other activities.

NGO Database

Database created by Christof Galli (Duke University) provides information on international NGOs with 30 subject categories including human rights, womens issues, etc.

Transparency International

Tracks corruption in national governments.

World Directory of National Parliamentary Libraries

Basic information about each parliament with links to web sites if available.
