"The Annenberg Institute consults closely with district and organization partners on a reform strategy that fits with the local context and that is designed to build the capacity of local partners to shoulder the ongoing challenge of local school improvement."
Focuses on school choice and other education reform issues, including charter schools and tuition vouchers. Provides links to many related sites.
The Center studies major issues in education reform and governance in K-12 education.
Touches upon charter school laws in various states.
The Center provides technical assistance, training, and resources to charter school developers, operators, charter-granting agencies, and policy makers in California, U.S. nation-wide, and internationally.
This 108 page report from 2002 examines whether charter schools have fulfilled their promises, particularly in regard to student achievement. (Adobe PDF)
Provides various homeschooling resource guides.
A clearinghouse of research for the public, researchers, homeschoolers, the media, and policy makers.
Useful information about charter schools includes: Overview, News, Community, State Profiles, Federal Suport, and Resources.