What is SILC? SILC is the Statistics Instructors Learning Circle, an instructor group open to any instructor at UAlbany who teaches statistics (in a statistics course or in one sequence of a course). SILC was formed in response to instructors who came to ITLAL looking for disciplinary specific teaching support. SILC meets 3-4 times a semester: our one hour meetings focus on a particular teaching challenge. We share teaching approaches which require low effort from the instructor but which have a high impact on student learning; this is followed by lively discussion among attendees. The resources and ideas shared at SILC meetings then become part of a Statistics Instructors Resource Share (SIRS). SILC meetings and SIRS can be found on a dedicated OneDrive site. Below, you will find information about joining SILC. ITLAL would love to have you be part of this community.
Ask to Join SILC! To join SILC, click on this link or send an email to either of the ITLAL instructional consultants who organize SILC meetings: Aviva Bower and Kimberly Van Orman