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Science (multidisciplinary and technology): A Guide to Web Resources

Grants & Funding Opportunities

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

The current version of the CFDA is a regularly updated database of grants and other federal programs available to State and local governments; Indian tribal governments; domestic public, private, profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions; specialized groups; and individuals.

EPA Grant-Writing Tutorial

A grant-writing resource for those seeking federal funds. It includes an introduction, writing tips, program specifics, mock grant-writing activity, examples, forms, references, resources/contacts, and a glossary.

Funding Opportunities - Community of Science

COS offers a searchable database of funding opportunities.

Grant Resources on the Web

An Internet resources guide from College and Research Libraries News; provides a listing of searchable databases, electronic publications, foundations, government agencies, and newsgroups that should be of interest to the grant writer.


This database, a collaboration between the Howard Hughes Medical Institute & the AAAS, allows users to search for grants in the biomedical sciences.

National Science Foundation Grant Proposal Guide

The most recent criteria for grant proposals for 1998; also contains a section called Summary of Significant Changes as well as a table of contents & links to other NSF sites.