Our online catalog lists books, journals, reports, audiovisual materials and more for all three libraries: Dewey Library, the University Library and the Science Library. To use this tool, start on the Library Webpage and put your search in the box below the text that says: Search for books, (selected) articles, media and more.
A sample search for social welfare brings up over 2 million hits. Focus your results by clicking on Resource Type on the left side of the page. You can then select books, articles and much more.
The online catalog also indicates if an item is on order or checked out to another patron (and when it is due back). If a book you need is checked out, you may request another copy.
You may also use your My Library Account to check on what books you have checked out and renew them.
WorldCat offers author, title and subject access to books owned by libraries throughout the United States and world. Note: Items not owned by the University Libraries can be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Books which are owned by the University Libraries (but which are on the other campus) and articles (which are not available in electronic format) can be requested through UA Delivery Service. Please inquire at the reference desk for assistance.