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IST 605: Comic Books & Graphic Novels: School-Use Approved!

Let's learn the effective qualities of using comic books and graphic novels in an educational setting!

Educational Books

Bakis, M. (2014). The graphic novel classroom: Powerful teaching and learning with images. Skyhorse.

The book The Graphic Novel Classroom: Powerful Teaching and Learning with Images is written by secondary language arts teacher Maureen Bakis. In her own search to engage her students, she found that creating your own graphic novel can not only inspire students, but can encourage them to find a love of reading. Teachers can use this book to improve learning in their classrooms through the book's text-specific detailed lesson units, teaching and learning models, and examples of student work. This book promotes the use of graphic novels while offering fun, creative, user-friendly, and educational lessons.


Boerman-Cornell, W., Ho, J., Klanderman, D., and Klanderman, S. (2023). Using graphic novels in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) classroom. Bloomsbury Publishing.

The book Using Graphic Novels in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Classroom is written by William Boerman-Cornell, Josha Ho, David Klanderman, and Sarah Klanderman. Respectively, they are a professor of education, a solutions engineer, a professor of mathematics education, and an assistant professor of mathematics. This book provides everything STEM teachers need to introduce and use graphic novels in the classroom to engage learners, enrich learning, and explain difficult concepts. There is a section for each part of STEM that includes a practical guide for teaching with graphic novels, and there is an appendix that lists nearly 100 short reviews of graphic novel, arranged by topic, that teachers can use as a reference tool in the classroom.


Bowkett, S. (2012). Using comic art to improve speaking, reading and writing. Routledge.

The book Using Comic Art to Improve Speaking, Reading, and Writing is written by Steve Bowkett, a children's fiction and poetry writer and hypnotherapist. The purpose of this book is to develop children's creative writing abilities, reading skills, and oracy by using their interest in pictures, comic books, and graphic novels. Their interest encourages them to interact with highly complex and structured narrative forms that promote critical thinking skills and develops wider metacognitive abilities. There are a range of practical techniques and activities that could be found within the book that focuses on various aspects of narrative, which is great resource for primary and secondary teachers to use as well as students pursuing a degree in education.


Smyth, T. (2022). Teaching with comics and graphic novels: Fun and engaging strategies to improve close reading and critical thinking in every classroom. Routledge.

The book Teaching with Comics and Graphic Novels: Fun and Engaging Strategies to Improve Close Reading and Critical Thinking in Every Classroom is written by Tim Smyth, author and high school social studies educator, and a 35th Annual Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards Nominee. It offers various lessons and activities for teachers to utilize in the classroom that encourage and promote the educational properties of comic books. The lessons are created with the mindfulness to be adapted to fit any subject area or grade level in a teacher's curriculum and meets the Common Core State Standards. This book highlights the areas of using comics to teach close reading, symbolism, culture, sequencing, literature adaptations, essay writing, working with textual evidence, and critical thinking.