This video is broken into two parts and is about 35 minutes long. The first part is roughly 17 minutes and shows the starvation of Jews and the destruction of their lives. There are excerpts described by survivors explaining what they went through during this time. Part 2 is also about 17 minutes long and takes viewers through the history behind how these events came to be and how Hitler was able to get the Germans to follow him.
Faison, H., Maguire, J., Cotton, E., Nathan, L., & Audio Visual Narrative Arts (Producers), & Faison, H. (Director). (1985). The Holocaust. [Video/DVD]. Guidance Associates.
This short video is a historical telling of how almost all of the 9,000 Jewish people from Denmark were able to survive the Holocaust. With the help of insider information, Danish Jews were notified of the coming German police and the SS so they had time to pack their belongings and go into hiding. Being so close to the Sweden border, their hope was to cross over to safety for the remainder of the war. Almost everyone made it.
Imperial War Museums. (2023, May 17). Why almost all of Denmark's Jews survived the Holocaust. [Video]. YouTube.
This short video is the telling of what happened to those who were sent to Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Once the trains stopped in Auschwitz, everyone was divided up depending on who they were. Different colors were given to gypsies, Jews, homosexuals, Pols, and elderly people. If any of those arriving were seen as unfit, they were sent to take a shower where they were gassed. A pile of shoes is shown to emphasize the vast amounts of people who are no longer able to wear them. This is a great retelling of what it was like spending a day in this concentration camp.
A Day in History. (2021, December 7). A Day in the Worst Nazi Concentration Camp | Auschwitz-Birkenau. [Video]. YouTube.
In this short video, explained is Hitler's rise to power, the different battles he initiated with Poland, and the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Made for kids, this video lists the facts as they happened and the steps taken on all sides. Explained are the countries who were a part of the Allies and the Axis, and when the Allies finally decided to join the war. With the bombing of Hiroshima, it was inevitable that the war would end.
Hey! Guess What. (2020, March 4). World War Two Facts for Kids | WW2 | Information About the Second World War. [Video]. YouTube.
This video explains the reason for Hitler's ideology stems from the signing of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of WWI. With the extreme terms in this Treaty, Germany was forced to pay a large amount of money and lost much of its land. This caused an economic depression for them and with the declining economy, people became angry. Hitler capitalized on this and promised the Germans that fighting with him would bring the country back to what it was so he easily gained supporters. It is explained how the Allies and the Axis was formed and the events that led up to the United States joining in the fight.
Career and Life Skills Lessons. (2024, January 24). World War 2 - Simplified and Explained - History Video for Students. [Video]. YouTube.