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IST 605: An Introduction to the Holocaust

Global Perspectives of the Holocaust: History, Identity, Legacy

Chapter 2 of this book explains the history behind why Jews were targeted under Hitler's rule and the effects it had on those involved. Once antisemitism was fully implemented, explained are the difficulties German-Jews had trying to migrate to other areas. It discussed the thought process of different countries political thoughts on taking in the Jews as immigrants during this time. There is mention that the need to migrate was known to other countries as a way to escape World War II going on nearby, but this provided the perfect cover for Hitler and his Reich to follow through with their mass murderous plans.


Nancy E., & Rupprecht, E. (2015). Global Perspectives on the Holocaust: History, Identity, Legacy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

The Second World War: 1939-1945

This first video is 52 minutes long and provides background information for Hitler's ideology and his rise to power. There are descriptions for fascism and how this belief began a long battle to take over all nearby territories. Included are facts about the battle to take over Poland, North Africa, and the Soviet Union. By the winter of 1941, the German army had succeeded in overthrowing a large area only to realize that they were not equip to provide sufficient coverage in all areas. 

Wars of The World. (2022, October 28). The Second World War: 1939-1945 \ WWII Documentary: Part 1. [Video]. YouTube. 

The second video is 1 hour and 5 minutes long documenting the second half of World War II. Described is the war between the Germans and the Japanese up to the bombing at Pearl Harbor. When the United States was forced into the war, it took years to finally end it all. Under the supervision of Dwight D. Eisenhower with D-Day at Normandy, France began the official take over of German Nazi soldiers. And finally the bombing at Hiroshima forced the official surrender that ended the war. 

Wars of the World. (2022,  November 19). The Second World War: 1939-1945 \ WWII Documentary: Part 2. [Video]. YouTube.

The History Behind the Holocaust During World War II

In the Wikipedia Encyclopedia there is explained the history and events that led up to Hitler's command to exterminate Jews. There are graphs listing how many Jewish people were killed in each area, as well as many descriptive words that can take your class to another page for further reading. 'Adolph Hitler' in blue font will take you to another page dedicated to him, and 'Holocaust' in blue font will describe everything that went into this mass murder. There are other links toward the bottom of the page to further your students' understanding of what happened during this time. 

History of the Jews during World War II. (2024, April 1). In Wikipedia. 

Newspaper Article from 1941

This article found in ProQuest Historical Newspapers discusses the opinions of some congressmen at the time who went to visit the sites of the German destruction. After viewing the desecration of the areas and the people both dead and alive, their opinion is that it wasn't only Hitler's fault that this happened, but the fault of the ideal of antisemitism that lives within many people - and that is what needs to be ended. 

Jones, R. (1945, Aug 01). Eyewitness Reports On Guilt of Germans. The Atlanta Constitution (1881-1945)