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IST 560: Library Advocacy Group

This is a resource guide to federal information policy created by students in IST 560: Information & Public Policy, Spring 2024

Funding Scenarios explored

Once a library has determined to provide these services, it must explore how it will fund such initiatives. In the next sections, several options will be presented. Scenarios such as grant-funded, contracting outside services, and internally funded will be explored. These options provide the library with avenues by which it can start with a small resource presence and then continue its growth with more fully funded options. 

Public Library Association Guidance for Social Work Positions

Grant Funded

The Federal Government has recognized the need to provide socio-economic services in libraries. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L.117-2) provided funding to the Institute of Museum and Library Services under (20 U.S.C. § 9173 (Museum services activities) which enabled it to provide grants to libraries seeking assistance with funding. In addition, Representative Sylvia Garcia has introduced the More Social Workers in Libraries Act in the 118th Congress (Garcia, 2023).

Institute of Museum and Library Services

  • Grant to City of New Haven (New Haven Free Public Library). This grant of $46,155 (ARPML-250858-OMLS-22) enabled the library to extend the community partnership it already had. "To provide patrons with on-site consultations and case management services with a licensed social worker at three library locations. To implement the program, the library will build on its successful 6-year partnership with Liberty Community Services, a local organization that offers services to people experiencing homelessness who are living with HIV/AIDS, mental illness, or addiction. People turn to the library for information related to a range of basic needs. This project will serve individuals and families dealing with issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, including homelessness, the risk of homelessness, hunger, mental health issues, medical conditions, unemployment, and underemployment  (IMLS, n.d)". 

More Social Workers In Libraries Act This legislation directs the Secretary of Education to carry out a grant program that would enable recipients to support the placement of students and licensed professional social workers in public libraries (More Social Workers in Libraries Act, 2023). It has been introduced in the 118th Congress and is awaiting action.

Contracting Services & Community Partnerships

In this scenario, libraries would partner with a community organization that is already providing outreach for the kinds of services needed. Many libraries exploring the idea of permanent services, begin first by partnering with community groups to test the idea and provide proof of concept (Akyanian, 2020). Below find a list of organization types that may make good partners for libraries.

Types of Organizations that Employ Licensed Social Workers:

  • Health & Mental Health Services
  • Child & Family Services
  • Education and Youth Development Services
  • Aging & Disability Services
  • Community Development & Social Justice Services

The Rochester Public Library and its Foundation partnered with a local community group, Family Service Rochester to provide services 25-30 hours per week. The Rochester Public Library Foundation provided the funding to employ a social worker from Family Service Rochester during a 15-month pilot project (Petersen, 2023).

Library Funded

In this scenario, a library would choose to hire a licensed social worker as part of their staff. This typically happens after a library has provided services either through grant funding or cooperative relationships with other organizations and demand for the service exceeds the capacity of the library to provide it. The library seeking a more permanent funding situation and consistent service levels would then choose to hire a social worker as part of its staff. 

* Please see the Case Studies section for information on the Enoch Pratt Free Library which has a social worker on staff.