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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 560: Library Advocacy Group

This is a resource guide to federal information policy created by students in IST 560: Information & Public Policy, Spring 2024

Federal Action in 118th Congress

More Social Workers (MSWs) in Libraries Act (H.R.3006, 2023)

The MSWs Act seeks to further strengthen public libraries as community hubs by facilitating aspiring social workers into library facilities across our country. The bill will help reinforce America’s social work talent pipeline by creating a paid social work internship program at public libraries across our nation. Specifically, under the MSWs Act, the Department of Education would develop a program to provide competitive grants to institutions of higher education that would be used to fund an internship for social work university students in a regional public library and employ qualified social workers in regional public libraries to oversee social work of student interns. 

Actions In Previous Congresses

Federal Agencies that Support Community Needs

Below find a list of federal agencies that provide resources that social workers use to help people in need.

HHS (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services): Provides resources for persons experiencing homelessness and supports housing stability for those with mental illness 

ACF (Administration for Children and Families): Addresses homelessness through various programs 

CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services): Involved in delivering treatment and services to homeless individuals. 

HUD (U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Development) administers block grants available to communities to disperse to organizations