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Generative AI and Academic Integrity

The goal of this guide is to help students learn about the relationship between generative AI and academic integrity.

Activity 1

Now that you’ve read a little about academic integrity and about generative AI, let’s think about the relationship between generative AI and some of the important ideas from the document you reviewed earlier.

The statement on academic integrity emphasizes several areas that the practice of academic integrity is meant to uphold:

  • Discovery and intellectual growth
  • The ability to demonstrate one’s own learning
  • The value of intellectual work
  • The reputation and credibility of a University at Albany degree


Choose one of these and reflect on the following questions, based on your own experience, knowledge, or opinion and any further research you might choose to do on your own:

  • How might students’ use of generative AI support this aspect of academic integrity?
  • How might students’ use of generative AI interfere with this aspect of academic integrity?