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UUNI100 Student FYE Alternative Infographic Project Guide

This is a guide to the new/alternative version of the Infographic Project for UUNI 100.

Introduction: Choosing Appropriate Sources

row of doors When you’re doing research on your own, the decision about what sources you use is often up to you. With college research, though, your professor will often have certain requirements for you to follow. It’s important to pay attention to those requirements and make sure you follow them because often at least part of your grade will depend on whether you used sources that meet these requirements. 

Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles

For this infographic assignment, you’ll notice that you’re required to use “scholarly, peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years.” What does this mean and how can you tell? The following resources will help answer these questions. 

Bonus information: Reading a Scholarly Article

Finding and identifying scholarly sources can be tricky on its own, but reading and understanding them can also be challenging. Often, reading the entire article straight through isn’t necessary. Instead, you’ll want to prioritize certain sections of the article over others. 

The following tutorial helps you with understand what the different parts of a scholarly article are and how to prioritize them in your research.