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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 605: Genrefying School Libraries

To Dewey or not to Dewey, that is the question:Published research to assist school librarians with how to best organize their library collection.

What is genrefication?

Genrefication is the process of arranging your library by category, subject, or genre to help students and teachers locate materials independently without difficulty.

Genrefication has become a hot topic in recent years and proponents of the Dewey Decimal System feel that all libraries, Kindergarten through college and beyond, should be organized in the same way. Sticking to library standards is a valid argument, but as with any classification system you use, it is more critical that users can find the books they are searching for and the classic ways of organization do not always work in school libraries. This guide is intended to help you decide if genrefication is best for you, your patrons, and your collection, as well as providing guidance and tips for weeding and reorganizing your school library should you decide to genrefy.