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EOP Students: Engaging with Information and Research

This guide has been developed for EOP students in their first year at the University at Albany, but may prove useful beyond that year. It provides resources for engaging with information both as a consumer of it, as well as a producer.

UAlbany and Academic Integrity

Written on chalkboard: Know the Rules

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Using Images and Other Media Ethically

You may have noticed that the images in this guide are all attributed. Not only that, but they are licensed for use such that they can be used in this guide. To be an ethical creator and sharer of information, you will want to make sure you are using images that aren't copyrighted. Below are some good sources for images--but check the details to be sure. Keep in mind that you can share your work via these sites, just as others have shared with you!

Avoiding Plagiarism

Aspects of Academic Integrity

Citation Help