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EOP Students: Engaging with Information and Research

This guide has been developed for EOP students in their first year at the University at Albany, but may prove useful beyond that year. It provides resources for engaging with information both as a consumer of it, as well as a producer.

Critical Thinking, Evaluation, and Metaliteracy

One University at Albany professor wrote this in a recent assignment she gave:

"As a university student in the internet age, some of the most important transferrable skills you will learn are critical thinking and evaluation of sources."

She is absolutely right! These are skills you can use in any setting, whether it is in your university courses, in your job or career, or in your daily life. 

The resources on this page will introduce you to the concepts of metaliteracy and metaliterate learner. In order to truly be literate in today's information-rich environment (information-overloaded is probably a better term), you need to be able to both consume and create information in a responsible, ethical way. Two quick videos are provided so you can become acquainted with the learning domains and roles important to metaliteracy. There is also a metaliteracy Evaluation "challenge," that will help you to reflect upon important elements for the research you do.

What is Metaliteracy? Why Does it Matter?

Metaliteracy helps you to think about and enhance your learning, while emphasizing your responsibilities as a producer and active consumer of information.

Evaluation Challenge