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EOP Students: Engaging with Information and Research

This guide has been developed for EOP students in their first year at the University at Albany, but may prove useful beyond that year. It provides resources for engaging with information both as a consumer of it, as well as a producer.


For new students, college research can seem both intimidating and stressful. There are lots of new expectations to deal with, especially around what types of sources you can use and how you search for those sources. 

The good news is that searching for information to fill a gap in knowledge, build on existing knowledge, or create new knowledge is something we all do every day, even if it's not for an assignment or a grade. And the skills and knowledge you've developed by searching for information to satisfy your personal curiosity will provide a useful foundation that you can build on as you begin your college research journey. 

Here are some examples of what you likely already know about research from your experience with personal and high school research: 

  • Deciding where to search for information and what type of information to search for
  • Evaluating the information you find
  • Revising your search strategy when something doesn't work
  • Refining your search as your understanding of your topic evolves

Of course, you likely still have a lot of questions. The resources in this guide will help you learn everything you need to know to navigate your way through college research, from how to get started to where to ask for help when you need it. 

So if you're feeling intimidated, stressed, or confused, don't worry! You know more about research than you may think and the information you find here will help you continue to develop your expertise. 

The word Welcome in many languages

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay 

Do your feelings about research help or hurt you during the research process?

When I am assigned a project that requires research, I feel:
Excited: 1 votes (33.33%)
Nervous: 0 votes (0%)
Worried: 1 votes (33.33%)
Determined: 0 votes (0%)
Optimistic: 1 votes (33.33%)
Total Votes: 3

Library FAQ

Research Help

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Feeling stuck? Librarians are here to help! Look for this symbol to Ask Us 24/7!

Get More Help

Book a one-on-one appointment with an expert reference librarian who can:

  • Direct you to specialized databases to get in-depth information in your field of study
  • Help you select search terms that will yield better results
  • Give you tips and search strategies
  • Find citations to resources located at other libraries

Schedule a PAWS appointment

Don't Be Afraid to Ask!

Sign saying ASK

To ask, or to inquire, can be considered the theme of research. While this graphic is here to encourage you to ask for assistance while you are researching, research itself is a process of asking questions to learn answers (and often to generate more questions!). The best research is when you have the opportunity to not only find out what experts are saying but to add something new. This could be through the lens you use to look at the topic, a new interpretation you bring to it, or the mix of subtopics you bring together. As you embark on your research, keep this in mind.

Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay