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UAlbany's Draft Open Access (OA) Policy

Information for the University at Albany community about the draft Open Access Policy

Learn More about Open Access Policies

A Model Open Access Policy

A Model Open Access Policy, by Stuart Shieber of Harvard, on which UAlbany's draft policy is based, annotated with explanations. The language "represents the accumulated experience of multiple institutions that have drafted and implemented open access policies."

Good Practices for University Open-Access Policies

From the Harvard Open Access Project, this is a guide to good practices for university open access policies of the type pioneered by Harvard.

List of Institutions that have Adopted a Harvard-style Open Access Policy

List of institutions that have adopted a Harvard-style open access policy, or rights retention policy, from the Good Practices for Open-Access Policies guide.

Unanimous Faculty Votes for University OA Policies

List of unanimous faculty votes for university OA policies, from the Open Access Directory (OAD).

Copyright and the Harvard Open Access Mandate

Article by Eric Priest of the University of Oregon School of Law, published in the Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, vol. 10 (2012). Provides a detailed analysis of the legality under copyright law of Harvard-style university open access policies or "permissions-based mandates."

Campus Open Access Policies

Resources to support data-driven, community-engaging, and successful open-access policy development at institutions everywhere, from the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to correct imbalances in the scholarly publishing system.

Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI)

COAPI "brings together representatives from North American universities with established faculty open access policies and those in the process of developing such policies."

ROARMAP: Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies

Worldwide registry of proposed and existing institutional mandates, sub-institutional mandates, multi-institutional mandates, funder mandates, and thesis mandates.

Open Access to SUNY Scholarship

Information on and resources detailing SUNY's commitment to open access, which "calls for collaboratively developed campus-level policies."

University of California Office of Scholarly Communication

Information about the University of California's groundbreaking system-wide open access policy, including promotional videos and interviews with faculty supporters.