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Science (multidisciplinary and technology): A Guide to Web Resources


Edgar Fahs Smith Collection of Images

From the University of Pennsylvanian Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text & Image, this collection contains over 3,000 images of scientists, laboratories, and scientific apparatus, emphasizing the period before 1850. The collection may be searched or browsed.

Internet History of Science Sourcebook

This metasite contains links to documents and Web resources pertaining to the history of science.

Isis, Current Bibliography of the History of Science

The Bibliography was begun in 1913 and is published with the December issue of Isis.  The online version covers publications on the history of science from all disciplines and time periods.  Basic and advanced search capabilities are available.

Reader's Guide to the History of ScienceAccessible to University at Albany users only

From Credo Reference, the Reader's Guide to the History of Science is an encyclopedia covering individuals, institutions, disciplines, and general themes and central concepts. Each entry includes a detailed bibliography to locate addition information. This resource may be searched or browsed.

Reading the History of Western Science

This site contains a selected list of over 100 books with brief descriptions. Most of the books were selected because they are good introductions to the subject.