As the User Experience Librarian at UAlbany Libraries, Lauren helps enrich and improve library patrons' experience through initiatives like developing research guides and online tutorials. She has a passion for making information discovery intuitive and empowering.
Lauren is the Instructor for IST-605: Information Sources & Services in UAlbany's College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity. She has over seven years of experience as an academic librarian providing research support to undergraduate and graduate students. The IST-605 course Lauren teaches focuses on information access, evaluation, and utilization. As their final project, students create research guides on LibGuides to demonstrate key concepts. This collaborative LibGuides group space allows learners to put essential research skills into practice.
Lauren's professional interests span user experience, reference services, art librarianship, and leveraging technology to enhance research and learning. She loves helping students and scholars unlock the transformative power of information.