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Worldviews on evidence-based nursing (Online). (2004). Blackwell Pub.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text The Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health provided by Ebsco, is considered a comprehensive provider of full text articles indexed using medical subject heading structure. Indexing begins at 1937 so historical content can be found. In addition to articles, CINAHL contains evidence-based care sheets, continuing education modules, and quick lessons. It has a built in user folder for saving search history, articles, links and more.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition This platform also provided by Ebsco provides further full text coverage of nursing and allied health articles. It also indexes many other publications for citation retrieval. This resource contains a medical dictionary as well as full text retrieval of American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy “First Release” which contains rapid review information of newly approved drugs. This resources also contains the user folder for storing searches, journal alerts, and more.
MEDLINE (PubMed) Medline is the main database of the National Library of Medicine. This resource provides authoritative information on many facets of medicine. Indexing of articles uses MeSH (medical subject headings) indexing and also provides trees and hierarchy of terms that are useful when building queries. Content includes journal citations, and full text retrieval of journals the library subscribes to.
PubMed Supplied the United States government through the National Library of Medicine, PubMed includes millions of citations from Medline including full text of archived content from PubMed Central, open access books, full textbooks chapters and more. Use this resource to locate citations from authoritative sources and stay on top of current research.
Web of Science Core Collection This interdisciplinary resource provides citations in physical and life sciences from 1899 to the present. Use the included Biological Abstracts which covers 1969 to the present to search by topic to retrieve full text when available. This resource provides an easy way to look at those who cited the article as well as the references used in the article, right on the results screen. Useful for research and finding additional foundational sources on a given topic.
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