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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 605: Nursing Resources

This guide has been designed for new nursing students. It contains introductory resources to assist you with your studies.

Welcome to your Nursing Resources Guide

This guide is the starting point for your nursing studies. It provides links to basic reference resources that you can use to understand medical terminology and the basics of care. In addition, you will find links to some current nursing articles, as well as databases you can use to find more articles. Check out the helpful tutorials in the database tab for some guides on searching the databases. Once you find articles for your work, use the citations tab for help on proper citing of sources.The Open RN tab provides links to find freely available text books and reality scenarios designed with NCLEX preparation in mind. Use the professional organizations tab for links to popular professional organizations in this field.

To begin, click on the tabs on the left to navigate through the guide.