Aging Across the United States by Charles Lockhart; Jean Giles-Sims
ISBN: 9780271037561
Publication Date: 2011-01-21
Provides data about services and resources for the aging across the United States.
When you need basic factual information, these resources can be helpful. These reference books provide answers to short, straightforward questions, providing definitions, addresses, web addresses, or simple statistics.
Originally created as a controlled vocabulary thesaurus for the Ageline databse, this source can generally help identify terms for searching for aging resources. Online version is available by clicking on the title above.
This is a comprehensive guide of not-for-profit associations, government agencies, print materials (books, directories, magazines), websites and resource centers that offer information or assistance to the elderly. The directory is primarily focused on health care and disability resources, but also provides sources for information on topics such as education, awards, legal aid, libraries, and travel.
Directory of Educational Programs in Gerontology and Geriatrics by Association for Gerontology in Higher Education
Call Number: Dewey Reference HQ 1060 N35
Publication Date: 2009
A listing of 750 graduate and undergraduate programs. Both those conferring degrees in gerontology and other programs which offer a specialization or/concentration in gerontology are included.
International Glossary of Social Gerontology by IFA Staff