About: CAPS offers free consultations to students, parents, families, faculty, staff and other campus community members who are concerned about a UAlbany student or who have questions about CAPS and its services.
How can CAPS help the Libraries? Through programming or consultations regarding students or student employees.
Contact: 518-442-5800 or consultation@albany.edu | https://www.albany.edu/health-well-being/mental-health/caps
About: The Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s primary role is to carry out the University at Albany’s mission to ensure that diversity — in our people and in our ideas — drives excellence in everything we do.
How can ODI help the Libraries? Through trainings and individual consultations regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
Contact: 518-956-8110 or odi@albany.edu | https://www.albany.edu/diversity-and-inclusion
About: EAP aims support to employees and to promote a healthy state of mind and well-being - both in and out of the workplace.
How can EAP help the Libraries? Through programming, communications such as the monthly EAP E-news, or individual consultations.
Contact: Carly Galbraith, EAP coordinator - 518-442-5483 or eap@albany.edu | https://www.albany.edu/employee-assistance-program
About: Human Resources adds value to the academic, research and service mission of the University by:
providing guidance and creative solutions with respect to workplace matters;
supporting employees with resources for success throughout their UAlbany career; and
promoting fair and equitable treatment of all UAlbany community members.
How can HR help the Libraries? Through trainings, best practice resources, or individual consultations.
Contact: 518-437-4700 or hr@albany.edu | https://www.albany.edu/hr/
About: The Office of Intercultural Student Engagement is committed to developing and maintaining a culturally inclusive campus environment where all students can engage in meaningful relationships with other students, faculty and staff thereby enhancing the academic excellence, personal growth and leadership development of all UAlbany students.
How can Intercultural Student Engagement help the Libraries? Through programming or individual consultation related to cultural competency. Their office would be of valuable assistance regarding students who use the Libraries, or the Libraries' student workforce.
Contact: 518-442-5565 or ise@albany.edu | https://www.albany.edu/multicultural/