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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 605: Creativity & Leadership

Resources related to creativity and leadership.

About this Guide

Creativity is an inherent aspect of human experience. It is not easy to define and covers many different ways people express themselves. From the fields of art, literature, and music, to science, technology, business, and education. Studying creativity can help us understand how our minds work, come up with new ideas, and find solutions to problems.

Leadership is a skill, but there is no one particular way to look or act like a leader. Anyone can learn to become a leader. It is all about positively influencing people, building mutual trust, and understanding how to guide and motivate others toward a common goal or vision. Today's leaders face a myriad of challenges. Through the study of leadership, we can develop the skills necessary to become great leaders.

Creativity and leadership are often intertwined, and the skills can be applied across disciplines. Leaders rely on their creative abilities to think outside the box and solve problems.  By studying the relationship between creativity and leadership, we can discover connections between both abilities. We can gain insights into how creativity enhances leadership skills and how leadership skills can inspire creativity.

Navigating the Guide

This guide aims to provide a variety of resources and effective search strategies to anyone interested in studying or doing research about creativity and/or leadership. The guide organizes resources into two main sections. You can find search strategies in each of the main tabs. In addition to the main tabs, subtabs are organized by resource type.


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