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Scholarly Communication

Information for the University at Albany community about scholarly communication issues, including open access, author rights, Scholars Archive, and more

Scholars Archive

What is Scholars Archive?

Scholars Archive is the University at Albany's open access repository, which offers the community a centralized location to collect and share student, faculty, and staff scholarly work. Scholars Archive both promotes the University's scholarly output and ensures its long-term preservation. 

The University Libraries offers a suite of services to authors, programs, or departments that are interested in distributing work through Scholars Archive. From CV scrapes to permissions help and metadata review to administrator training, we are dedicated to helping you increase the reach of your scholarship with ease.

What types of materials can be included?

  • Scholarly articles
  • Theses and dissertations
  • Open Educational Resources
  • Conference materials
  • Open access journals 
  • Data
  • Images
  • Gray literature
  • Non-traditional scholarship

Why contribute content to Scholars Archive?

  • Increase the visibility and discoverability of your work
  • Preserve your scholarship
  • Measure your readership

What does this process look like?

Scholars Archive lifecycle



If you would like to contribute materials to Scholars Archive and have any questions about the repository or the process, then please email our Scholars Archive Administrator, Lindsay Van Berkom at