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The American Civil War was between the Northern States (Union) and the Southern States (Confederacy). The conflict cost over 600,000 lives, which is nearly as many as all other wars America has been involved in combined. There were many causes that led to the Southern States seceding, but at the heart of the matter was the issue of slavery. The South relied heavily on slavery to fuel their economic prosperity. When it became clear that incoming president Abraham Lincoln would not support slavery in future states, seven states left the Union. When the Confederate Armies attacked Fort Sumpter, the official start of the war had begun. The American Civil War has many different topics, but the three main subjects can be divided into three parts:
1. Causes of the war
2. The events and people involved in the war
3. Postwar reconstruction
Key Topics, Keywords/Terms
There is a vast amount of information about the Civil War. These topics/subtopics and terms will be a good starting point for finding relevant information for researching the Civil War. These topics and terms can be used as keywords when searching in databases or internet search engines.
1. Causes of the Civil War
2. Major Events/Battles
3. Key Figures (Union)
4. Key Figures (Confederacy)
5. Key Figures (Civilians)
6. Miscellanous Items