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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 605: Clinical Medicine

Resources for students and researchers in medicine

Citation Assistance:



Traditional databases also provide citation assistance for individual articles found on each search result (the icon associated with the citing functionality is a set of quotation marks). Below are a few examples.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar 

  1. Click on the Cite link next to your item.
  2. Select your citation style.
  3. Paste the citation into your working document.
  4. Double check and adjust formatting as needed to match your selected citation style:

Web of Science

Web of Science 

WoS typically redirects the user to the article on the journal homepage, where a "Cite the Article" functionality provides citation options, depending on the individual publisher's citation style preference.

In addition to individual article citation, WoS provides Cited References for each article. To access this: 

  1. Go to Web of Science 
  2. Click Cited References 
  3. Enter information about the article, such as the author's name, journal name, and publication year 
  4. Select the result that matches your citation information 
  5. Click Finish Search

Other Databses

Other databases: Most databases provide citation information for each individual article—this can be found using the "cite" functionality. This functionality then provides users with different formats based on citation style.

National Library of Medicine (NLM; MEDLINE and PubMed Central): 


Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) 

Individual Publishers

Individual publishers provide citations for each article.

While most publishers do not provide different formats for their citation information, as they typically only provide citation information based on the format used by their individual journal. Journals do offer citation export options through EndNote and BibTex (which allow users to use other services for their citations—such as EndNote or Zotero). 





ScienceDirect (Elsevier):