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CIST Student Sandbox

IST 605: Planets: Giant and Dwarf

Resources related to astronomy, space, and science


ScienceDirect is a science based database. Journals in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and the social sciences from Elsevier Science and other publishers. This databases includes sources that are peer reviewed journal articles, chapters of books and has open access content. Offers a wide range of sources in relations to astronomy.

NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server is a database run by NASA. This database covers all topics of astronomy and other celestial observations. This database has photos, and stats from NASA itself.  This is very important database in the world of Astronomy. The NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS))provides access to NASA metadata records, full-text online documents, images, and videos. The types of information included are conference papers, journal articles, meeting papers, patents, research reports, images, movies, and technical videos – scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA.

Academic Search Ultimate is a database run by EBSCO. This database includes over 7,000 full text periodicals and over 6,000 peer reviewed sources relating to sciences, humanities and technology. While not specifically a science database, or astronomy, the periodicals published relate to issues beyond outer space. This is a great database for finding out the history and mythos behind the planets and other celestial bodies. As well as factors that relate on our own planet, Earth.

Google Scholar is a database based on the Google search engine. Google scholar is not a specific database and covers almost every topic imaginable. This database has access to peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, and technical reports. Google Scholar is very similar to its search engine counterpart and is very easy to use, for beginners.