Character/OC- Characters are a major part of TTRPGs. Players of D&D often get to design their own character, choosing their fantasy race, fighting class, appearance, personality, and more. "OC" is short for "own-character" can sometimes be used to refer to D&D characters, but is a general term used in many different contexts.
Pedagogy- The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines pedagogy as, "the art, science, or profession of teaching." It often refers to the study of teaching methods, techniques, and standards.
There is an abundance of research available exploring the benefits and related applications for Dungeons & Dragons for different environments, including those involving psychology, social sciences, and education. This guide provides a few valuable resources divided into three topic areas: Mental Health & Therapy, Education and Youth, and LGBTQ+ issues.
For additional research relating to Dungeons & Dragons and it's applicable benefits on those who play it, one might benefit from using a database specific to the subject you are examining, such as the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (EBSCO) for psychology, or Education Source (EBSCO) for education. For a more general scope of research, you may begin by searching "role playing games or tabletop or dungeons and dragons" in the main search bar to see what information is available. It is important to experiment with these various terms that can represent D&D in studies. Then, utilize the secondary search bar to include keywords specific to the results you want. For example, if you want information relating to D&D and anxiety, you can search "role playing games or tabletop or dungeons and dragons" AND "anxiety."
For Queer Studies relating to Dungeons & Dragons, try similar searches with LGBTQ+ Source.
The provided resources suggest that D&D can be applied in education toward a variety of different subjects, including classical literature, foreign language, science, and mathematics. If you are interested in studying D&D as a pedagogical tool for a different subject, utilize databases like Education Source (EBSCO) and ERIC (EBSCO) and include your subject as a secondary key term in an advanced search.
Users may also benefit from including the target age range in their search. For example, if you would like to learn more about the impacts of D&D on adolescent anxiety, you might search "'dungeons and dragons' AND anxiety AND adolescents."
Consider the publication years of your documents carefully. The history of D&D suggests that public opinion and interpretations of D&D have changed greatly in the last 50 years.
Image: DepositPhotos
Find full-text articles, books and monographs, education-related conference papers, and citations for over 4 million articles including book reviews.
Find full-text articles and citations for journals, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations, and policy papers in all areas of education. Available on the EBSCO platform.
Tip: On this platform, you may filter by full-text directly from the results page.
Find full-text, indexed and abstracts of scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines and newspapers. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms.
Full text covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.