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IST 605: Bullying in Schools

Resources for teachers, parents, and caregivers whose children may be experiencing bullying in elementary, middle, or high school

List of Works Cited

Journal Articles

Brewer, S. L., Jr. (2017). Addressing youth bullying through the whole child model. Education, 138(1), 41+.

     This article discusses the importance of enhancing social-emotional learning in the classroom, to help prevent bullying. It presents the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model, used in schools to provide a focus on children’s mental health. The article does a good job of combining this model with various other anti-bullying strategies for use in the classroom. It is from a scholarly journal, Education, and it remains relevant and up-to-date.

Bennett, J. (2010, October 11). From Lockers to Lockup. Newsweek, 156(15), 38.

     Should bullying be a crime punishable by law? This is the question tackled in this article, which uses real-life bullying examples as context. The article is backed up by statistics and was originally published in Newsweek, making the article easier to understand in laymen’s terms than say, a scholarly journal article. The article remains netural to this question, having sympathy for the victims while acknowledging that jailing a bully can in fact ruin their life.

Brion-Miesels, G., O’Neil, E, & Bishop, S. (2022). Individual Level Strategies: Interrupting Bullying & Harassment in Schools- Toolkit. Intercultural Development Research Association, 1-9.

     This article is part of a two-part set put out by the Intercultural Development Research Association South and Institute of Education Sciences, catering to 11 states and Washington, D.C. The focus is on particularly vulnerable populations as it relates to bullying, and even promotes strategies for the bully themselves. Rather than strictly focusing on punishment, there is a focus on learning opportunities. Special consideration and strategies are covered for specific groups such as the LGBTQ+ population and those with disabilities.

Brion-Miesels, G., O’Neil, E, & Bishop, S. (January 2022). Literature Review—Bullying and Harassment in Schools. Intercultural Development Research Association South, 1-30.

     The second part of a series from the Intercultural Development Research Association, and functions as a broader literature review. A glossary of bullying-related terms is then supported by up-to-date statistics about bullying prevalence in certain communities. The article then delves further into risk communities (as the article before this one did), then discusses bullying and the law and several programs that can be implemented. This article does an excellent job at presenting all facets of bullying, including cyberbullying, and ways to foster change in schools without relying on strict zero-tolerance policies.

Englander, E. (2023). Kids with cellphones more likely to be bullies—or get bullied. Here are 6 tips for parents. In Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Gale. (Reprinted from Kids with cellphones more likely to be bullies—or get bullied. Here are 6 tips for parents, The Conversation, 2018, October 2)

     This article is written by a psychology professor and Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center. It asks the following questions: What age is most appropriate for a child to receive their own cell phone? What is the relationship between cell phone ownership and school bullying? In this digital age, children are owning cell phones at younger ages. Cell phone ownership can be a good tie-in to help explain cyberbullying. The article also details tips for parents and teachers to help navigate cell phone ownership for younger children.

Hase, C. N., Goldberg, S. B., Smith, D., Stuck, A., & Campain, J. (2015). Impacts of Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying on the Mental Health of Middle School and High School Students. Psychology in the Schools, 52(6), 607–617.

     This article is from the journal Psychology in the Schools and focuses on the mental health of middle and high schoolers who are bullied as it relates strictly to cyberbullying. It debates the question: Does cyberbullying contribute to negative mental health as much as traditional bullying does? An anonymous survey was conducted in the Pacific Northwest to try and answer this question and discuss any traditional versus cyberbullying overlaps. Findings did confirm a large correlation between those who are traditionally bullied and those who are cyberbullied. Authors do acknowledge limitations of the study, including previous anti-bullying education bias and a survey that only covers the past month and may eliminate previous bullying incidents.

Singer, J. & Slovak, K. (2013, September 03). Bullying in Youth. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Social Work.

     This article is from the National Association of Social Workers in conjunction with Oxford University Press. Definitions, risk factors, and trends are discussed, in addition to the upcoming prevalence of cyberbullying in schools. The article is backed up by statistics and contains a list of related articles and resources. The headings are well-organized and the article is easy to digest. A literature review is discussed, as well as tips for both teachers and social workers.

Timmons-Mitchell, J., Noriega, I, & Flannery, D. (2021, May 26). Bullying in School and Cyberspace.  Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology.

     This article is featured in Oxford Research Encyclopedias, specially the Oxford Encyclopedia of Criminology. It focuses on the world of cyberbullying and middle school students and posits links between school bullying and criminal activity later in life. Prevention, intervention, and programs outside the United States are also discussed. Though traditional roles and definitions are covered, the article also delves into etiology, or the origins of bullying behavior. There are interesting links developed between bullying and lack of empathy.


Hall, M.K. & Jones, C. (2011) Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories. HarperTeen.

     This book serves as an anthology to middle and high schoolers dealing with bullying. The stories are personal, and widely relatable. The book is broken down into chapters detailing specific themes. Though published ten years ago, the stories in this book are still relevant to pre-teens and teenagers today, as bullying is still a huge problem.

Hoexter, T. (2015). A Wrinkled Heart (L. Burnett, Illus.). Self-published.

     This picture book, presented through Kindle as an e-book, uses the familiar trope of representing young children with talking animals. A rabbit learns that words can hurt, as he experiences verbal bullying. The book also ties in with the wrinkled heart activity: a classroom exercise in which children wrinkle and then put a paper heart back together. The message is that words can hurt and leave scars on our hearts.

Lovell, P. (2020). Speak Up, Molly Lou Melon (D. Catrow, Illus.). G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers.

     This picture book, for first through third graders, features a character named Molly Lou Melon. In this book, Molly Lou Melon learns to stand up to bullies when she sees it happen in action. It is a good tool to use with bystanders, or very young children who see bullying happening but are afraid to say something.

Mayrock, A. (2015). The Survival Guide to Bullying: Written by a Teen. Scholastic Inc.

     This book, written for 9–13-year-olds, is written by an actual teenager. It contains poems, quizzes, and tips to present a tough topic in a friendly format. The updated edition includes a chapter on how to talk to parents about bullying. To establish further credibility, there is a note that says the book was vetted by a bullying expert and a psychotherapist before publication.

SanGiacomo, S. (2021). Bedhead Ted (S. SanGiacomo, Illus.). Quill Tree Books.

     The presentation of this book is that of a graphic novel, and may be especially beneficial for visual learners/readers. Ten-year-old Ted is frequently picked on for his giant head of red hair. He wants to fit in, but does have a support system of friends who assist him on an adventure. The panels and colors of this book are vibrant, and it is primarily for ages 8-12 readers.

Simmons, Rachel (2012). Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls. Piatkus Books (paperback edition).

     Originally published in another edition circa 2002, Odd Girl Out discusses how traditional girl bullying and group alliances have migrated to cyberspace. A new chapter has been added entitled Raising Girls in the Digital Age. The new information is so important because it keeps the book up-to-date as a go-to guide for middle and high school bullying in girls. A supplemental Readers’ Group and Teacher Guide is also available for teachers who may want to teach the book in class.


AmazeOrg. (2017, May 11). Anti-Bullying Squad. [Video]. YouTube.

     This video is from AmazeOrg, which is known for tackling tough topics like sex ed and others in a lighthearted way. The channel and its videos have over 60 million views. This particular video is geared toward younger children and is animated. It is narrated by a cartoon character and leader of the ABS- anti-bullying squad. It presents another character being bullied throughout his tour of the anti-bullying squad as he seeks to become a member. The characters are a great, non-intimidating way to help relate to children who may be getting bullied.

Anderson, Jeremy. (2020, October 22). Best Anti-Bullying Video for Students. [Video]. YouTube.

     This video is narrated by popular school motivational speaker Jeremy Anderson, for middle and high school students with over 115,000 views. It shows re-enactments of traditional and cyber bullying, and talks about what it means to be a victim and a bystander as well. Jeremy Anderson speaks in a traditional uplifting, motivational tone and speaks directly to the viewer. This is beneficial to relate to a teenager, rather than just a traditional lecture- type video series.

Fight Child Abuse. (2018, April 16). Protect Yourself Rules-Bullying. [Video]. YouTube.

     This animated video is brought to viewers by the Barbara Sinatra Center for Abused Children, with over 2 million views. In the background of the cartoon scenarios are various rules that should be followed when discussing bullying and personal safety. The cartoon narrators discuss times when they were bullied, along with visual scenarios. Each rule is presented in an easy-to-follow way and there are also tips when involving adults. An early elementary school program, it has been developed and scripted by child advocates, therapists, and national scholars and tested at various stages of development with students, teachers, school administrators, parents, and experts in the field of child abuse.

HelloKaty. (2019, January 4). I was Bullied in High School. [Video]. YouTube.

     This channel, with over 460,000 subscribers, features an 18-year-old girl named Katy, who speaks about her experiences while in high school. In this video, Katy differentiates between physical bullying and the bullying she experienced. Her bullying was more of the verbal nature, and she also states that sometimes there isn’t a direct reason why someone is targeted. Her videos are presented casually, but contain many important talking points with an optimistic outlook.

Pacercenter. (2020, March 13). Cyberbullying – Student Perspective. [Video]. YouTube.

     This video is from Pacercenter, a national organization dedicated to enhancing the life of children with disabilities. This particular video, with over 4,000 views, is part of a series that focuses on various elements of issues children may face in school. This video focuses on cyberbullying and gives the viewer direct student insight, with interviews that were conducted in schools with elementary school students. It also emphasizes some differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying. (2021, August 24). Is it Cyberbullying? [Video]. YouTube.

     This video is from a U.S. National Health Authority and, a US government organization. With over 280,000 views, this video helps define cyberbullying. Though the context of the video and its scenarios are animated, the viewer base is primarily older children and teens. The video also brings up various scenarios and claims if they are instances of cyberbullying. It is useful to those who are still trying to figure what constitutes cyberbullying.